The Veiled Ink Guild
Misty Elynn
About Me

I have been a writer all my life, though I've never really tried to publish. When I was young I wrote short stories and poetry, and I've had a personal journal since I was seven years old. In my early twenties I started writing about the characters in my first novel and continued to breathe life into them for the next twenty years. Pages and pages of their antics, arguments, frustrations, relationships, victories and joy poured out of me, probably a reflection of my own life and the things I experienced.
I grew with them, and they grew with me.
I am in my forties now. My children are grown into adults. My career in Information Technology has been fulfilling, my husband is a wonder... and somehow I'm still writing about these characters! Clearly there is something within them that I've carried a deep love for nearly all my adult life. At some point, I came to the realization that if I never finished their story, and never made them available to anyone else, I would feel a deep sense of sorrow at the end of my life.
I cannot leave this undone.
I am choosing to publish under a pseudonym, but all of my heart and soul lives in this world that you will experience... the hard-fought pages of my life. It may be a fantasy realm, but the emotions are real, and I hope you find something of yourself here as well.
All my best,
Author's Journey
The Creative Analyst
Misty Elynn
I may be publishing under a pseudonym, but my real first name truly is Misty. When I was young, I lamented that my name was for horses and cigarettes and... other things, and that I never found it on a keychain anywhere. As I became an adult, I realized that my name was as unique as my view of the world, and I embraced it.
My family was poor when I was a child, but I loved reading and I loved learning, which helped me with everything else to come. Books were my escape from the difficulties I faced in my early life, and later I worked my way through as much college as I could as a single mother in my twenties. Life was not easy, and sometimes I made choices that made it even harder on myself. For anyone who has ever gone through great difficulty and found their way to happiness on the other side, I want to say I see you!
These books are for you.
The Analyst Angle
My career in Information Technology was in every way related to my curious nature. I was asking questions from the moment I could speak and never stopped! I was a business analyst for many years, taking complex projects and breaking them down into manageable pieces. I loved making order of out chaos. When I finally decided to write my book in earnest in 2024, I turned those analyst skills toward my characters and their world, creating the best story I could from all the various pieces that existed in twenty years of writing! I'm very excited with how it has turned out and am editing and cleaning things up now!
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